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Showing posts from December, 2017

Two Percent

Is world missions a priority in your budget? What if I told you that with a mere 2% of your income, you could make a significant impact for the Kingdom of God? Let’s do the math. If you make $30,000/year, 2% of that would be $50/month. For $45,000 it’s $75/month, and for $60k that’s $100/month. Maybe that sounds like a big commitment. But think of the eternal impact that commitment would have. People’s souls are at stake. What are we doing to advance the gospel--the only way people can be made right with God? What does that look like for you? Maybe it means sponsoring a child in an orphanage, personally supporting a missionary, or giving extra toward your church’s missions program. I challenge you to do something . Maybe start with 1% if you don’t think you can do 2%. Or maybe you should do 10%. Ask God what He wants you to do, and then obey. If you would like to join our support team, we would love to have you be a part of the work God is doing in Puebla, ...