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Showing posts from July, 2017

Individual Missions Support

Why break with tradition? Many well-meaning people have asked us this question, though usually with different words, along our support-raising journey. Why are we not spending every Sunday in different churches, visiting dozens or even hundreds of churches seeking support for our mission work? And we understand the concern, because for so long, that was the main or only model for missions support. But we have become convinced through our study of Scripture, support raising books, and the advice of many other missionaries, that the traditional model of only seeking church support is not the best way. We believe that the best model for missions support includes both churches and individuals .  Because of that, in addition to our meetings with churches, we have been spending a lot of time meeting with individuals to share our ministry and support raising needs, praying that God will lead us to the right people who will partner with us for the advance of the gospel in Mexico. ...